10/17/2023-25Min AMRAP – “The Dumbbell hell”

35Min AMRAP 3-6-9-12-15 ... Double Dumbbell Snatch 20 kg Double Dumbbell Front Squat 20 kg Double Dumbbell Push Press 20 kg 400m Run
October 17, 2023


3-6-9-12-15 …
Double Dumbbell Snatch 20 kg
Double Dumbbell Front Squat 20 kg
Double Dumbbell Push Press 20 kg
400m Run

Downscale suggestion


3-6-9-12-15 …
Double Dumbbell Snatch 20 kg
Double Dumbbell Front Squat 20 kg
Double Dumbbell Push Press 20 kg
400m Run

Upscale suggestion


3-6-9-12-15 …
Double Dumbbell Snatch 20 kg
Double Dumbbell Front Squat 20 kg
Double Dumbbell Push Press 20 kg
400m Run

Tips and Instructions for completing this WOD

  1. Intro – Starting the WOD with 3 repetitions for each on of the 3 exercies then run 400m, when finishing your run, add 3 more repartitions for each exercise, following the 3-6-9-12… pattern.
  2. Pace – It will start easy, 3-6 will be easy, the 9 will start to burn and 12 and up will start to hurt. Take short breaks between set and use the running part to jog and recover.
  3. How – 3-6 and part of 9 you should do unbroken, taking 15-20 sec rest after the running, going 12+ reps section make every exercise unbroken and take 10sec rest between exercises, this will put i you in a good spot starting the 15+ reps, at that point you should be 10-12 min into the WOD and here you should start splitting reps and rest between exercises and spare 30sec after the run to recover
  4. Expected Reps – Beginner will finish 15-18 | Intermediate finish 18+ | Advanced -finish 21+


Exercises List:

Double Dumbbell Snatch

Double Dumbbell Front Squat

Double Dumbbell Push Presses

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