12/23/2023 – #96 – For Time WOD

#96- For Time WOD Buy in - 600m 100 DU / 200 SU 80 Shoulder Taps 60 Situps 50 Box Jumps 60 cm / 50 cm 40 Hand Release Push Ups 30 DB Lunges 15 Kg 20 Burpees 10 DB Thrusters 15 Kg Buy out - 600m
December 23, 2023

For Time

Buy in – 600m
100 DU / 200 SU
80 Shoulder Taps
60 Situps
50 Box Jumps 60 cm / 50 cm
40 Hand Release Push Ups
30 DB Lunges 15 Kg
20 Burpees
10 DB Thrusters 15 Kg
Buy out – 600m

Notes: 2 Dumbbells 15KG each

For Time (timecap : 30min)

Downscale suggestion
Buy in – 600m
100 DU / 200 SU
80 Shoulder Taps
60 Situps
50 Box Jumps 60 cm / 50 cm
40 Hand Release Push Ups
30 DB Lunges 7.5 Kg
20 Burpees
10 DB Thrusters 7.5 Kg
Buy out – 600m
1min rest between exercises
Notes: 2 Dumbbells 7.5KG/5KG each

For Time

Upscale suggestion
Buy in – 600m
100 DU / 200 SU
80 Shoulder Taps
60 Situps
50 Box Jumps 60 cm / 50 cm
40 Hand Release Push Ups
30 DB Lunges 20 Kg
20 Burpees
10 DB Thrusters 20KG
Buy out – 600m
Repeat from 10 to 100
Notes: Dumbbell Min 20KG/17.5Kg

Hey There, Let’s Get Moving!

So, you’re ready to tackle this awesome workout? Great! It’s a mix of running, jumping, and strength exercises that’ll get your heart pumping and muscles working. Let’s break it down and throw in some handy tips to help you through it.

Here’s Your Workout Plan:

  • Start with a 600m Run – Tip: Jog at a comfortable pace to get those muscles ready.
  • 100 Double Unders (DU) or 200 Single Unders (SU) – Tip: If you’re good at double unders, keep a smooth pace. If not, single unders are just fine.
  • 80 Shoulder Taps – Tip: Keep your body straight like a plank and tap those shoulders.
  • 60 Sit-ups – Tip: Find a comfy spot, and use your belly muscles to pull you up.
  • 50 Box Jumps (60 cm / 50 cm) – Tip: Jump up and land gently on the box, then step back down.
  • 40 Hand Release Push-Ups – Tip: Keep your body straight and lift your hands briefly at the bottom.
  • 30 Dumbbell (DB) Lunges (7.5 Kg) – Tip: Stand tall and step forward without letting your knee go too far forward.
  • 20 Burpees – Tip: Find a steady rhythm and remember to stretch your arms up in the jump.
  • 10 Dumbbell Thrusters (7.5 Kg) – Tip: Use the power from your squat to help lift the weights over your head.
  • Finish with a 600m Run – Tip: Slow down gradually to cool off.

A Few More Friendly Tips:

  • Rest for a Minute: Catch your breath between exercises.
  • Drink Water: Keep a water bottle handy.
  • Check Your Gear: Make sure your weights and box are all set.
  • Adjust as Needed: It’s okay to make it easier if you need to.
  • Focus on Form: Doing it right is better than doing it fast.

Most importantly, have fun with it! This workout is about feeling good and challenging yourself in a healthy way. You’ve got this! 🌟

The exercises you’d make:

Shoulder Taps


Box Jump

Hand Release Pushups

Dumbbell Lunges


Dumbbell Thrusters

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