12/10/2023 – 4 RFT WOD – The Snatcher

4RFT 40 Sit-ups 30 Alt DB Snatch 400m Run
December 10, 2023

4 Rounds For Time

40 Sit-ups
30 Alt DB Snatch
400m Run

Notes:Dumbbell Weight: 15Kg / 12.5Kg

Downscale suggestion

2 Rounds For Time

40 Sit-ups
30 Alt DB Snatch
400m Run

1min Rest

Notes:Dumbbell Weight: 12.5Kg / 10Kg

Upscale suggestion

5 Rounds For Time

40 AMBAT Sit-ups
30 Alt DB Snatch
400m Run

Notes:Dumbbell Weight: 17.5Kg / 15Kg

The exercises you’d make:


Alt DB Snatch

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